Panel Discussion

Rita holds a MA in HR Management and a Degree on Labour law from University of Zaragoza in Spain and ESIC Business School. Project Manager and Expert consultant for Oslo&Bærum International Hub and Business Angels Norway. Cofounder at WIN Women Investors Network Norway empowering women to strengthen their financial position, by offering access to trainings, investment opportunities, and a co-investment network and Cofounder at Nordic Ignite, angel investment firm. Special International Consultant for United Nations Women in gender equality projects.

Dorota Žuchová

Dorota Žuchová

Coworking Cvernovka

Dorota Žuchová graduated in Scandinavian studies at Masaryk University in Brno. During her studies she spent a year at the Arctic University of Norway and several months at the University of Bergen. Today, she works as a community manager at Coworking Cvernovka, where she takes care of the running of the coworking, but especially connects members, creates community events and builds the community within. In addition, she is the project coordinator of the educational and incubation program Social Impact Award Slovakia aimed at supporting young people in social entrepreneurship, as well as the coordinator of the Academy for Entrepreneurial Women program. She is part of the TEDxBratislava organizational team, where she helps in the production and content preparation of this well-known format.

Ondrej Mäsiar

Ondrej Mäsiar

STREDCO Coworking

Ondrej Mäsiar is social innovator and project coordinator for various NGOs. He has co-funded an unique coworking space located at a business academy high school in Dolný Kubín. His passion is international projects with young people. Currently he is most proud of the local youth parliament, which he is mentoring and which has become a true community of active students meeting regularly in the coworking space and organising their own community projects across the city.


Petra Dzurovčinová

Petra Dzurovčinová

Bratislava City

Petra Dzurovčinová vyštudovala Medzinárodný obchod na Ekonomickej univerzite v Bratislave. Po vysokej škole pracovala tri roky v austrálskom Adelaide na rozvoji a komunikácii vedeckých a technických poznatkov širokej verejnosti v Royal Institution of Australia. Petra stála pri zrode Slovenskej aliancie pre inovatívnu ekonomiku (SAPIE). V SAPIE bola spoluautorkou expertných dokumentov o startup ekosystéme, analýze a spôsoboch podpory rýchlorastúcich firiem a spôsoboch ako efektívne implementovať Jednotný Digitálny trh v EÚ a na Slovensku. Ako splnomocnenkyňa pre inovácie (Chief Innovation Officer) sa venuje rozvoju technických aj procesných inovácií, spolupráci s akademickým, podnikateľským a tretím sektorom, tvorbe mestského laboratória a riadeniu pilotných projektov. Súčasťou jej práce je aj medzinárodná spolupráca na pôde Eurocities a iných platformách.